

  • Fixed incorrect order of icao code in Simbrief links when seaching for departure airports


  • Fixed incorrect icao code from Simbrief links in search results


  • Added new search categories: Departure and route
  • Added ICAO codes to airline list for easier search
  • Added Simbrief shortcuts in route results and top list
  • Added arrival or departure search shortcut from top list
  • Added possibility to search for local airport codes (e.g. 1L1 instead of K1L1)
  • Partly fixed so random deparure + arrival suggestions cross continents for long haul
  • Improved German military airfield classification


  • Added aircraft type filter
  • Added airline icons for DHL, Aerologic, Fedex, Cargolux, UPS and Sunclass


  • Added sorting of results in top list and search results
  • Added VATSIM filter to top list
  • Fixed slow loading times on front page


  • Fixed search results displaying airports with too short runways
  • Fixed airline popover to only show max 30 flights and sorted them by time
  • Changed and made airbases default off in search
  • Changed and clarified the code letter search parameter
  • Increased flight sample rate to catch more flights


  • Fixed search returning departure suggestion with no arrival suggestions


  • Fixed some urls resulting in server error
  • API: Continent paramter no longer required if whitelist is present


  • Added a new filtering experience which also has merged normal and advanced search into one
  • Added filter for airlines, runway lights, airport sizes
  • Added dates to changelog
  • Fixed the top list style to match search results
  • Fixed input fields zooming the screen on Safari mobile
  • Fixed random airport suggestions previously favouring certain airports
  • API: No longer in beta!
  • API: Tweaked to accommodate new filters
  • API: Published public documentation


  • Fixed airline routes in search results displaying incorrect flights
  • Fixed so airports without runways don't show up anymore
  • Tweaked some texts


  • Added real world flights to search results (Beta)
  • Added option to only search for real world flights in advanced search (Beta)
  • Fixed SimBrief link missing origin airport
  • Fixed some missing military airport definintions (RAAF and RNAS)


  • Added an API (Beta) to fetch toplist and search
  • Added Windy button in results
  • Added airbase and airline route exclusion filter in advanced search
  • Added notice that departure suggestions are also based on filters
  • Fixed error 405 if you enter a search result directly. It'll now redirect to the search page
  • Tweaked the design a tiny bit and added some padding to tables


  • Fixed server error if departure is from an airport without METAR available


  • Added random departure suggestions if departure is left blank
  • Added a warning if your search ranking criteria are not met
  • Added more search suggestions
  • Fixed Russia to be split into European and Asian part by the Ural Mountains
  • Fixed advanced search only returning large airports
  • Fixed IFR/VFR condition filter not filtering correctly
  • Fixed METAR timestamp showing visually incorrect minute value
  • Fixed search to check if the runway in question is not closed
  • Made airtime show in hh:mm format instead of decimals
  • Tweaked some texts


  • Revised the Privacy Policy and removed tracking cookies


  • Changed and increased the default runway length for advanced search, this will give a lot more results
  • Fixed duplicate RVR score coming up per runway rather than active
  • Fixed incorrect crosswind scoring for a lot of airports
  • Fixed missing Kosovo tooltip


  • Hurray! Finally out of beta!
  • Added SimBrief dispatch shortcut on search results
  • Added cookie consent and privacy page
  • Fixed and perfected the responsiveness for smaller devices
  • Fixed the page jumping when tooltips for icons open
  • Fixed search results showing closed or heli aerodromes
  • Fixed an issue with going back would leave search button disabled in some browsers

Beta 5

  • New design
  • Added new and better paramter icons
  • Added thousands delimiter on values
  • Fixed mobile and tablet optimizations
  • Fixed further optimized search times

Beta 4

  • Added advanced search
  • Added hot airport parameter for airports with 10+ movements
  • Added reduced sight parameter
  • Added more VATSIM data: Which ATC is online and what event is running until when

Beta 3

  • Added new search ranking options, no need to search for bad weather only anymore
  • Added possibility to search for 6+ hour flights
  • Added country flags to results
  • Added tooltips over countries and icons
  • Fixed results showing #2 and above, rather than #1 (also explains some obvious missing airports on bad days)
  • Fixed proper search error if fields are missed
  • Fixed breaking action misintepreted as RVR

Beta 2

  • Optimized loading times
  • Fixed TAFs
  • Fixed old METARs
  • Added runway lengths in meters
  • Mobile tweaks

Beta 1

  • Initial release